Japanese Prints
I'm currently holed up in my bedroom, sat with my laptop on my bed, surrounded by furniture as decorators sand the floor…
Fruit Bowls
I'm starting the new year, as feels right after the cosy clutter of Christmas , with a bit of a spring clean. We moved …
A Taste of Provence
I took these photos ages ago but forgot to share them on here - I need to tell you about Tariette! A couple of years ago, …
The Last Minute Christmas Gift Guide
Christmas presents sorted yet? No, me neither... For my fellow last minute gift buyers, I'm sharing a mix of what'…
Spring Charm
Ah, February . We've come out the other side of a pretty damn long January to brighter mornings, later sunsets, snow d…
Christmas Gift Guide For Her
How are you getting on with your Christmas shopping? In case you're still looking, here are some chic gift ideas for t…
Purple Crystal
I've always had a soft spot for coloured crystal and glass, and have a few vases, jugs and votives in calming blues and…
Time 4 Sleep
When I first moved to London, my first job was working on interiors magazines. I still have the first issues with my name…
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I'm starting the new year, as feels right after the cosy clutter of Christmas , with a bit of a spring clean. We moved last month into ...
Whilst the weather's cold, the nights are dark and we're still indoors hibernating, it's the perfect time of year to upgrade yo...
212 came in late last year and pipped Kanye West and Jay-Z's Otis to the post for my song of 2012. Cool NYC MC Azealia Bank 's sec...