Wolford for their wide range of luxurious legware (as they like to call it), gorgeous bodices and thick deniers. They're jumping on the huge suspenders-as-tights trend which is everywhere at the moment with this gorgeous pair of hot dots bow tights.
I'm not sure if I prefer them to the Chantal Thomass pair which Lily Allen's been wearing recently, but I'd rather spend £32 than £42 on something which I'll wear half a dozen times before inadvertently ripping to shreds, as I seem to do...

I've got loads of Wolford tights but the only repeat purchase I make from Chantal Thomass is her divine EDP, so maybe I should splash the cash and invest in a Christmas present to myself a la Lily.
I love

I've got loads of Wolford tights but the only repeat purchase I make from Chantal Thomass is her divine EDP, so maybe I should splash the cash and invest in a Christmas present to myself a la Lily.