There's nothing to add about the terrible events of the past 24 hours that hasn't been said thousands of times already; both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett passing away (and hoax rumours of Jeff Goldblum) have left fans worldwife saddened and distraught.

The King of Pop died at fifty, of a suspected overdose of Demerol (by his
doctor - currently on the run from the LAPD), in his rented home in Los Angeles. He had an addiction to painkillers well-documented by the media, bad health resulting in various illnesses,
lots of surgery and he was dogged by constant paparazzi pressures, rumours and courtcases. No one can survive sustained lengths of stress. Since being a child, thrust into the limelight by his overpowering father, he lived his life in the public eye and his struggle to prepare for the gruelling 50 date residence in London took its toll and he couldn't handle the strain.

As the news unfolded last night on every newswire, gossip website, twitter and primarily TMZ, the internet crashed as millions of fans logged on for updates and the tributes started pouring in.
Truly tragic - we've lost one of the greatest musicians in modern history: talented megastar, pop genius, musical icon; every hyperbolic title you can think of applies. RIP MJ.